The beautiful sounds of Street Symphony are heard on Skid Row

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The beautiful sounds of Street Symphony are heard on Skid Row

Daily News

By Delilah Brumer

Through the sound of guitars, the non-profit organization Street Symphony brought together dozens of homeless people on Skid Row on Thursday, June 20. Street Symphony — which includes professional musicians and unhoused music students — gathered at Midnight Mission for its 106th performance.

“People who are experiencing homelessness don’t have access to art or music,” said Georgia Berkovich, chief communications officer at Midnight Mission. “So we started this program in order to provide this to our community. We find that music is to the soul what food is to the body, and it’s sometimes just as crucial.”

Thursday’s performance was titled “Finding Your Voice,” and focused on themes of hope, inspiration and recovery. The event was free and open to all, and Midnight Mission provided food to attendees.